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Studio Policies 2019-2020



I will teach your child the language of music. l teach music with this single purpose: to give my students a voice for that which they cannot say and for which they have no words.


My studio has a positive and enthusiastic environment.


I will tailor the curriculum to match your child’s specific learning needs. 



Students agree to arrive at each lesson punctually, well-prepared, and with their assignment books and music. To make good progress, daily quality practice is necessary. I want your child to completely understand every assignment. Please ask questions.

If something is happening at home or school that is affecting your child please let me know. Please err on the side of letting me know more so I can be sensitive to the needs of your child. A quick text on the way to lesson can make the difference between a great lesson and a difficult one. (Did Max just find out that he didn't get the part in the play? Give me a heads up. Was Jane hospitalized on your recent trip to Thailand? Let me know!)

All students are encouraged to play at the two recitals we have each year: the Halloween Recital and the Spring Recital.


Students must have an acoustic piano at home. Keyboards are not acceptable.



Tuition covers not only the actual lesson time spent with the student, but time preparing for each student as well.

This includes:

  • An individualized plan for each student's course of study

  • Development of teaching materials, often including pieces composed specifically for your child

  • Training and experience

  • Recital Preparation and repertoire planning

  • Professional organization memberships

  • Continuing education



Each semester, students pay a Music and Materials fee. This covers all music and materials used during the course of the semester.

This includes:

  • Literature books

  • Sheet Music and Method Books

  • Theory Materials

  • Printing costs

  • Music lending library



Each student pays a yearly registration fee. This pays for the cost of running the music studio as well as the time spent doing things in addition to actual teaching:

  • Bookkeeping

  • Scheduling

  • Studio Website cost, maintenance and technology

  • Time spent on Email and Phone calls



When students enroll, they are reserving their place in the studio for the entire semester.



Tuition is charged by the school year, paid in three installments and is non-refundable.


The 1st payment, due August 1st includes:

  • Tuition

  • Registration fee

  • Music & Materials Fee

The 2nd payment, due January 1st, includes:

  • Tuition 

  • Spring Recital Fee

  • Music and Materials Fee

The 3rd payment, due June 1st includes:

  • Six summer lessons.  


In order to retain their place for fall lessons, students must take a minimum of 6 summer lessons. Lessons are scheduled at the beginning of the summer. To accommodate ever-changing summer schedules, summer lessons may be cancelled or rescheduled with 48 hours notice.



Any lesson that I have to cancel will be made up or a credit will be given.

No payment credit or makeup lessons will be provided for students who miss lessons for any reason.

Try to choose a lesson time in which you feel confident. Please understand that the tuition you pay reserves an exclusive weekly time in my schedule for your child. Unlike a doctor or a hairdresser, I cannot resell that time nor can I create extra teaching time in which to give lessons.

Sometimes, however, you'll still need to make a change. To help accommodate an occasional unavoidable conflict, you can choose to be part of the Swap List.  Most parents receive only a few requests a year from someone who'd like to switch lesson times. Some families find another family whose scheduling needs can be complementary. Please let me know if you have made a swap so I can plan accordingly. It's easiest to simple copy (cc) me on the final email between two parents confirming that a switch will be happening. (Note: because some of my students drive quite a distance, it may not be possible for them to switch. Please let me know if you do not want to be included in the list.)

The 2019/2020 Calendar includes 35 weeks of scheduled lessons. This includes two "Flex Weeks" which I may use at any time during the year. I guarantee each student at least 33 lessons during the year, and will make up any lessons (more than the two Flex Weeks) I need to cancel. Lessons cancelled by students will not be made up.




I have a subscription website designed to help other teachers become better teachers. I use photos and short videos of my students on this sites. These videos and posts are helpful to other teachers and much appreciated. By signing up for lessons in my studio, you are agreeing to this use of your child's images and video. In general, the students love to see their pictures and videos on my website or Facebook Teaching page. They find it motivating and exciting to think that others want to know what they are learning. The students are identified only by first name. 

By enrolling and paying tuition for my child in Diane Hidy's studio, I certify that I understand and agree to the studio policies for the 2019/2020 school year.

© 2019 by Diane Hidy

You'll wonder how you ever taught without this 32-page book. I made these cards for my students to give them plenty of opportunities to practice all the different skills they were acquiring. This series starts with the simplest possible rhythmic patterns on the Landmark notes Middle C, Bass F and Treble G. Each set becomes incrementally more difficult.

Here are a few of the many different ways to use these cards:

  • Encourage students to write in their own fingering. This paves the way for making true fingering choices later on

  • Circle the thirds before starting to read the flashcards. This helps the student focus on the difference between steps and skips.

  • Help your student write in their own staccatos and slurs. Try them out. Talk to them about why they do or don't like them. 

  • Help the student add dynamics and phrase marks.

  • Print these in their entirety and use them as a book.

  • Print them on heavy paper or card stock and cut them into separate cards. Trying sending home a set with a student and ask them to become proficient with each one. At the next lesson, mix them up and play them in random order. It’s a nice combination of preparation and reading.

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